Useful Bots

If you are hosting your project on GitHub, there are a number of different bots which can help automate parts of your contributor onboarding experience. These can be added to your project in a few steps, and configured to reflect how you would like to welcome new contributors and acknowledge their work. These types of tools don’t completely replace human interaction by maintainers, but can help small teams manage initial triaging and contact with first time contributors.

You should discuss which of the below are useful for your project with the core team before they are set up. If you have a useful bot that helps with your contributor experience, please add it to the list below!

Examples of useful bots

GitHub Welcome Bot can be configured to respond to first time PRs & issues with a welcome message that provides links to a project’s resources like contributing guidelines, code of conduct, community events calendar, etc.

PR-Triage Bot helps automatically add labels to new PRs or issues.

All-Contributors Bot helps capture different contributions and add them to a specified file in the repo. This bot is very useful for managing contributions such as PR reviews, ideas, discussion, mentoring or other types of work that may not be reflected in the GitHub contribution record.

How some projects use these bots

  • The Turing Way Record of Contributions using All-Contributors.
  • Add your example here